
License Information
What is the Cost of a Resident License?

NOTE: All Deer and Turkey hunters must buy either an all Game Hunting/Fishing or the Sportsman's License. 

Louisiana residents must purchase both the Freshwater and Saltwater license to fish in the marine waters of Mississippi.

Resident Licenses


Agent Fee

Privilege fee

Sportsman's License - Includes Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow - does not include WMA User Permit or Saltwater Fishing




All Game Hunting/Freshwater Fishing - Does not include Archery/Primitive/Crossbow or WMA User Permit.




Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow - Must be bought in addition to All Game Hunting/ Freshwater Fishing when hunting during special seasons. As of July 1st, 2013, this privilege will include the use of a Crossbow.




Velvet Season Permit - Valid for three consecutive days. 3-Day Permit used to hunt Velvet Deer during the permitted dates.




Small Game Hunting/Freshwater Fishing




Wildlife Management Area User Permit - Must be purchased prior to ANY use of a wildlife management area and in addition to any other required hunting/fishing license.




Electronic State Waterfowl Stamp - Required with all licenses above for persons 16 years of age and older when hunting waterfowl.




Apprentice Sportsman License- This License may be issued only one time to a resident and the apprentice hunting licensee must be accompanied by a licensed or exempt resident hunter at least twenty-one years of age when hunting. This license includes Spring Turkey Hunting, Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, and Freshwater Fishing. Does not include, Saltwater Fishing, State and Federal Waterfowl Stamps, or WMA User Permit.




Apprentice All  Game Hunt and Fish- This license may be issued only one time to a resident and the apprentice hunting licensee must be accompanied be a licensed or exempt resident hunter at least twenty-one years of age when hunting.  This license does not include  Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, WMA User Permit, or State and Federal Waterfowl Stamps.




Apprentice Small Game Hunt and Fish- This license may be issued only once to a resident and the apprentice hunting licensee must be accompanied by a licensed or exempt resident hunter at least twenty-one years of age when hunting. This license includes small game hunting, and freshwater fishing. The State and Federal Waterfowl Stamps, Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, WMA User Permit, and Saltwater Fishing must be purchased in addition to this license.




3-Day Sportsman Apprentice License- Valid for 3 consecutive days. This license may be issued only once to a resident and the apprentice hunting licensee must be accompanied be a licensed or exempt resident hunter at least twenty-one years of age when hunting. This license includes Spring Turkey Permit, Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow Permit, and Freshwater Fishing. Does not include WMA User Permit, Saltwater Fishing, or  State and Federal Waterfowl Stamps.




Resident Senior Exempt License - age 65 and over, includes All Game Hunting, Freshwater Fishing license, Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, and WMA. Does not include saltwater fishing and waterfowl stamp. Only valid with proof of Mississippi residency.




Exempt Under 16 - Voluntary (Under 16 years of age, voluntary - All Game Hunting, Freshwater and Saltwater Fishing license, Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow permit, WMA, Waterfowl Stamp.)




North MS NWR Permit




Trapping License- A trapping license is required of any person sixteen years of age or older, who traps or assists with trapping of furbearers. A trapping license is not required for a person to trap on their own land. A trapping license is required to sell the skins, carcasses, and/or meat of any furbearing animal.




Fur Dealer License- A fur dealer license is required of any person regardless of age, who buys furbearing animals from trappers or hunters.




MS Super Sportsman Package - Includes Sportsman License, Saltwater WMA User Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, HIP, and 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




Mississippi Hunter Package - Includes Sportsman License, WMA User Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, HIP, and 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




Deer Hunter Package - Includes Sportsman License, WMA User Permit, and 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




Turkey Hunter Package - Includes Sportsman License, WMA User Permit, and 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




Waterfowl Hunter Package - Includes Small Game Hunting License, State Waterfowl Stamp, WMA User Permit, HIP, and 1 Year Magazine Subscription.  (DOES NOT include Federal Duck Stamp)




Avid Angler Package - Includes Small Game Hunting/Freshwater Fishing License, Saltwater Fishing License, 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




Keep Mississippi Wild Package - Includes WMA User Permit, 1 Year Magazine Subscription




What is the Cost of a Non-Resident License?

Non-Resident Licenses


Agent Fee

Privilege Fee

Armed Forces 14-Day Hunting/Fishing - Must apply through MDWFP - Application. (Includes Fall Turkey and Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow. Does not include Saltwater Fishing) 




All Game Hunting - Ages 16 and over - does not include Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, Turkey permit, deer permit, or WMA User Permit.




7-Day All Game Hunting - Ages 16 and over - does not include Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, Spring permit, deer permit, or WMA User Permit.




3-Day All Game -Archery/Primitive Weapon - Includes Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow - does not include Spring Turkey permit, deer permit, or WMA User Permit.




Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow Permit - Must be bought in addition to All Game Hunting or 7-Day All Game Hunting when hunting during special seasons.




Wildlife Management Area User Permit - Must be purchased prior to ANY use of a wildlife management area and in addition to any other required hunting/fishing license.




Deer Permit - Required for hunting deer during all deer seasons. This license must be purchased in addition to All Game, 7-Day All Game, or 3-Day All Game Hunting License.




Spring Turkey Permit - Required for hunting turkey during spring turkey season. This license must be purchased in addition to All Game, 7-Day All Game, or 3-Day All Game Hunting License.




Small Game Hunting (covers waterfowl)




7-Day Small Game Hunting (covers waterfowl)




Shooting Preserve




Electronic State Waterfowl Stamp -Required with all licenses above when hunting waterfowl.




Trapping License- A trapping license is required of any person sixteen years of age or older who traps or assists with trapping of furbearers. A trapper license is required to sell the skins, carcasses, and/or meat of any furbearer animal.




Fur Dealer License- A fur dealer license is required of any person regardless of age, who buys furbearing animals from trappers and hunters.




NR MS Super Sportsman Package - Includes NR All Game Hunting License, NR Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, NR Spring Turkey Permit, NR Deer Permit, NR State Waterfowl Stamp, HIP, 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




NR Deer Hunter Package - NR All Game Hunting, NR Archery/Primitive Weapon/Crossbow, NR Deer Permit, HIP, 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




NR Turkey Hunter Package - NR All Game Hunting, NR Spring Turkey Permit, HIP, 1 Year Magazine Subscription. 




NR Waterfowl Hunter Package - NR Small Game Hunting, NR State Waterfowl Stamp, HIP, 1 Year Magazine Subscription.  (DOES NOT include Federal Duck Stamp)




NR Avid Angler Package - NR Freshwater Fishing License, NR Saltwater Fishing License, 1 Year Magazine Subscription. 




NR LA Avid Angler Package - NR Freshwater Fishing License, NR LA Saltwater Fishing License, 1 Year Magazine Subscription.




Do I Need a Hunter Education Course?

All persons born on or after January 1, 1972, must satisfactorily complete a hunter education course approved by the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks before purchasing a Mississippi hunting license. If it is determined that the holder was not entitled to issuance or obtained the license or hunter education certificate by fraudulent means, the license will be revoked or canceled. It is unlawful to issue a hunting license to any person in this age group without proof of completion of the hunter education course. [MS. Code 49-7-20].

Do I Need a License as a Resident?

Each resident of the State of Mississippi ages sixteen (16) through sixty-four (64), must obtain a hunting license, except while hunting on lands titled in his name. Any person sixty-five (65) or older, or any person otherwise exempted from obtaining a hunting license, must have documentation with land titled in his/her name at all times while hunting as described in hunting "Exemptions" [MS. Code 49-7-5].

Are There License Exemptions For Resident License Requirements ?

Residents who are visually impaired, paraplegic, a multiple-amputee, adjudged totally disabled by the Social Security Administration or totally service connected disabled by the Veterans Administration are not required to purchase a HUNTING OR FISHING LICENSE. [MS. Code 49-7-5 and 49-7-9] Residents exempt based on this criteria are required to have proof of their age, residency, disability status, or other physical impairment in their possession while engaged in hunting and fishing activities. All exempt licenses previously issued for DISABILITIES are null and void.

What Do I Need to Prove Residency?

Under this section, a person's domicile is that person's principal or primary home or place of abode. Provided, however, a person holding a current driver's license is deemed to be domiciled within the state that issued the driver's license. Even if a person currently resides within the State of Mississippi, for purposes of obtaining a hunting license, he/she is considered to be domiciled in the state which issued the driver's license.

I. If you HOLD a current driver's license:
  a. If you hold a current MISSISSIPPI driver's license, you are entitled to purchase a resident hunting license.
  b. If you hold a driver's license from any state other than Mississippi, you are required to purchase a non-resident hunting license.

II. If you DO NOT hold a current driver's license from any state:
You are entitled to purchase a resident hunting license if Mississippi is your principal or primary home or place of abode. A current Mississippi resident income tax return or a homestead exemption receipt may be considered as evidence of domicile, but these are not necessarily determinative. You may be denied a resident hunting license if you fail to provide adequate proof.

Can I Purchase a Resident License if I Live in Another State?

Even if you are domiciled in another state, you may purchase a resident hunting license if you provide either (1) a current identification card from a Mississippi college or university; or (2) a current military ID card showing that you are an active member of the Armed Forces (excluding Reserves and the National Guard) and proof that you are stationed on a military base in Mississippi.

Proof of age may be shown by the following:

  a. A valid driver's license; or
  b. Copy of birth certificate

Does Mississippi Offer a Lifetime License?
  1. Lifetime Sportsman - you must provide proof of domicile of Mississippi for a minimum of 18 consecutive months.
  2. Non-Resident Mississippi Native Lifetime - you must be a native-born Mississippian proving you were born in the state of Mississippi and parent's address was in Mississippi OR if you were not born in Mississippi, the parents' address was in Mississippi at the time of your birth.
  3. Lifetime Sportsman MIL - you must provide proof of parent being born in Mississippi. Must also provide official documents indicating parent was on active military service at the time of your birth.
Game Check
How Do I Check My White-Tailed Deer?
How Do I Check My Turkey?
Wildlife Areas & Maps
Where Can I Find Wildlife Management Areas?
Education Classes
Where Can I Find Information on Hunter Education Classes?
Where Can I Find Information on Boater Education Classes?
How can I retrieve my Hunter Education number?

If you are having trouble remembering your Hunter Education number, you can find your number, download a free temporary card, or purchase a replacement card on our website by clicking here.

Who Should I Contact For...?

Useful Phone Numbers

- Beaver Problems/Animal Damage Control - USDA/WS - (662) 325-3014

- Boat Registration/Titling - MDWFP - (601) 432-2055

- Commercial Freshwater Fishing - Fisheries - (601) 432-2200

- Commercial Quail Breeders’ Licenses - see the MDWFP Regional Offices phone numbers listed in Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

- Commercial Wildlife Enclosures - see the MDWFP Regional Offices phone numbers listed in Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

- Disabled Hunting - MDWFP - (601) 432-2055

- DMAP (Deer Mgmt. Assistance Program) - MDWFP - (601) 432-2199

- Ducks/Geese with Leg Bands - USGS -

- Environmental complaints (state) - MDEQ - (888) 786-0661

- Environmental complaints - (federal, Corps of Engineers) - USACOE - (800) 522-5672

- Falconry Permits - MDWFP - (601) 432-2196

- Field Trial Permits (Bird Dog, Raccoon Hunt, Fox Hunt) - see the MDWFP Regional Offices phone numbers listed in Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

- Fish Kills (on public waters) - MEMA (24 hrs/day) - (800) 222-6362

- Hunter Education - MDWFP - (601) 432-2180

- Lifetime License - MDWFP - (601) 432-2055

- McHenry Shooting Facility - MDWFP - (601) 928-1645

- McIvor Shooting Facility - MDWFP - (662) 487-1946 (Charles Ray Nix WMA)

- Mississippi Outdoors Magazine - MDWFP - (601) 432-2244 or (888) 874-5785 (to subscribe)

- Mississippi Outdoors Television/Media - MDWFP - (601) 432-2250 or 432-2251

- Pond /Aquatic Plant / Exotic Species Assistance - Fisheries - (601) 432-2200

- Salt Water Regulations - MDMR - (228) 374-5000

- Scientific Collecting Permits - Museum - (601) 576-6060

- Shooting Preserves - see the MDWFP Regional Offices phone numbers listed in Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

- Sportsman’s License - MDWFP - (601) 432-2055

- State Fishing Lakes - Fisheries - (601) 432-2206

- Tamed Quail Permit (to train bird dogs) - see the MDWFP Regional Offices phone numbers listed in Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

- Taxidermy Permits - see the MDWFP Regional Offices phone numbers listed in Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

- Turcotte Shooting Facility - MDWFP - (601) 859-3421


- Arkabutla - (662) 562-6261

- Bay Springs - (662) 423-1287

- Columbus Area Office, COE (Tenn-Tom Waterway) - (662) 327-2142

- Enid - (662) 563-4571

- Grenada - (662) 226-5911

- Okatibbee - (601) 626-8431

- Pickwick - (256) 386-2601

- Ross Barnett - (601) 856-6574

- Sardis - (662) 563-4531

Miscellaneous Numbers

- Agriculture Museum - (601) 432-4500

- MS Audubon Society - (662) 252-1155

- Delta Wildlife Inc. - (662) 686-3370

- Ducks Unlimited - (601) 956-1936
- Grand Gulf Military Park - (601) 437-5911

- Gulf Islands National Seashore - (228) 875-9057

- Jackson Zoo - (601) 352-2580

- MS Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce - (601) 359-1100

- MS Dept. of Environmental Quality - (601) 961-5171

- MS Dept. of Marine Resources - (228) 374-5000

- MS Forestry Commission - (601) 359-1386

- MS Nature Conservancy - (601) 713-3355

- MS Wildlife Federation - (601) 605-1790

- Natchez Trace Parkway-Tupelo - (662) 680-4027

- Ridgeland - (601) 856-7321

- National Forests in MS - (601) 965-1600

- Natural Resources Conservation Service - (601) 965-5205

- Pat Harrison Waterway District - (800) 748-9618

- U.S. Geological Survey - (601) 933-2900

- U.S. Coast Guard-Gulfport - (228) 868-3743

- Vicksburg Military Park - (601) 636-0583

- Wildlife Mississippi - (662) 686-3375

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuges, and Fish Hatchery

- Bogue Chitto NWR - (985) 882-2000

- Coldwater River NWR - (662) 226-8286

- Dahomey NWR - (662) 226-8286

- Grand Bay NWR - (228) 475-0765

- Hillside NWR - (662) 235-4989

- Holt Collier NWR - (662) 839-2638

- Jackson Office - (601) 965-4900

- Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR - (228) 497-6322

- Morgan Brake and Matthews Brake NWR - (662) 235-4989

- Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee NWR - (662) 323-5548

- Panther Swamp NWR - (662) 836-3004

- Private John Allen NFH - (662) 842-1341

- St. Catherine Creek NWR - (601) 442-6696

- Tallahatchie NWR - (662) 226-8286

- T. Roosevelt NWR Complex - (662) 839-2638

- Yazoo NWR - (662) 839-2638

Corps of Engineer Districts and Management Areas

- Memphis - (800) 317-4156

- Mobile - (251) 690-2576

- Vicksburg - (601) 631-5000

National Forests

- Bienville - (601) 469-3811, Forest

- Chickasawhay - (601) 428-0594, Laurel

- Delta - (662) 873-6256, Rolling Fork

- DeSoto - (601) 528-6160, Wiggins

- Holly Springs - (662) 236-6550, Oxford

- Homochitto - (601) 384-5876, Meadville

- State Office - (601) 965-1600, Jackson

- Tombigbee - (662) 285-3264, Ackerman

Where Should I Report a Wildlife Violation?

Report A Violation (1-800-BE-SMART)

Report A Violation Online

Mobile App
Does Mississippi Have a Mobile App?

Available on iOS and Android

The MDWFP app is a powerful tool for hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts in Mississippi, providing easy access to information and services provided by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. This application features a digital license display, rules and regulations, season dates, game check, bag limits, feeding times, and much more.

*Some features require internet access.

Season Dates & Bag Limits
Where can I find Season Dates and Bag Limits?
What are the hunting rules and regulations for Mississippi?
What are the Deer Management Units for Mississippi?
Where can I find information on public lakes?
What do I need to fish at a MDWFP State Lake?

Sport fishing licenses and lake permits are required when fishing at MDWFP State Fishing Lakes and State Park Lakes.

What are the requirements for a freshwater fishing guide?
I need help with fish identification.
Youth Accounts
How do I manage youth customers?

Here are the steps to creating or linking to a youth customer

1. Login to the MDWFP License System

• Be sure to create your account prior to creating any additional user profiles.

2. Navigate to the Linked User Section

• In the profile drop down menu, go to the "Linked User" location or menu. 

• Select the option to "Link a User."

3. Create or Search for the User

• Some individuals might have an existing profile that is transferred from the prior License System. If the user already exists, you may search for their profile. 

• Otherwise, select the option to create a new customer

4. Fill Out the Required Information

• Enter the necessary details for the new user, including their date of birth. 

• Complete all required fields, including their address. 

• Note: Social Security and Driver’s License details are not required for users under 13.

5. Handle Communication Preferences

• For Users 12 and Under: Email fields will be grayed out (no email address is required). You have the opportunity to set preferences to ensure the child does not receive text messages or promotional emails.

• For Users Ages 13-18: Users in this age range may have an email address attached to their profile. This email can be used to give them login access to manage their account independently. You would still be able to manage the account in its entirety as long as you are linked to the account.

6. Consent and Permissions:

• In the "Access Info" step, you may:

• For Users 12 and Under: Confirm that you are the child’s legal guardian or authorized to manage their account under COPPA consent.

• For Users Ages 13-18: If needed, assign the email address as the login for the user. 

• This will allow them to log in and manage their account, while still being linked to a guardian.

• Once the email is provided, they will receive an email prompting them to complete setting up their account.

• For both age ranges, you may choose to “Disallow Other Guardians” if you don’t want other adults to link to this child’s account.

7. Submit and Create the Profile 

• Submit the form to create the child’s profile. 

8. Manage the Linked Profile 

Once the profile is created and linked, you can manage it as the users’s guardian. 

My Account

How Do I Create an Account? 

1. Click on the "Account" tab in the top right corner.  

2. Enter your email address and click “Continue.”  

3. Create a password and click “Sign Up.” 

4. Follow the prompts to authenticate your account (such as providing a six-digit code from email.)  

5. Verify your identity via one of the options shown on screen. If you have had an account with MDWFP before, your information will be confirmed on the screen. 

6. Provide your information to create your profile. Provide your driver's license number and the state where it was issued. From there, you will be taken to the new MDWFP system. 

Finish your profile by completing the fields on screen. Click “Save” to complete the process.

How Do I Reset My Password? 

1. Click Sign In / Create Account 

2. Click Continue

3. Enter your email address and click Continue

4. Click Forgot Password

5. Click Send Link

6. Check your inbox for a reset link and follow the prompts to enter a new password

How Do I Link a User?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Linked Users from the drop down menu

3. Click Link A User

4. Click Search Customer or +Create Customer 

5. Follow the prompts and enter the required information 

6. Click Submit

How Do I Complete Email Verification?

When prompted, check your email inbox for a verification email. Enter the six-digit code and follow the instructions. 


How Do I Update My Personal, Contact & Account Details?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Profile from the drop down menu

3. Make appropriate changes and click Save 

How Do I Update My Email or Password?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Profile from the drop down menu

3. Click the Account Details tab

4. Click Manage Your PayIt Account

5. Click the pencil icon and complete the required fields  

6. Click Save


How Do I Add a Payment Method?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Wallet from the drop down menu

3. Click +Add Payment method

4. Enter payment information 

5. Click Save

How Do I Remove a Payment Method?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Wallet from the drop down menu

3. Click Remove

4. In the confirmation window, click Remove to confirm

How Do I Find a Receipt in My Account?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select My Purchases from the drop down menu

3. Click Receipt to view purchase details


How Do I View My Messages?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Inbox from the drop down menu

3. View available messages

About Services

How Do I Purchase a License?

1. Log in

2. Click +Add To Cart next to the preferred item

3. Make the appropriate selections and click Continue

4. In the cart, click Checkout 

5. Enter your contact and payment details

6. Check the acknowledgement and captcha boxes 

7. Click Complete Transaction

8. Click Continue to Confirmation to view or print your receipt

How Do I View Available & Submitted Surveys?

1. Log in and click your name in the upper right corner

2. Select Surveys from the drop down menu

3. View available and submitted surveys under the corresponding tabs

How Do I Submit a Game Check? 

1. Log in 

2. Click Game Check

3. Click Report Game Check

4. Complete the survey then click Next

5. Click Save

How Do I Complete a Quick Registration Renewal?

1. Select your Vehicle Type and enter the Registration Number

2. Click Submit

3. Complete the required fields and follow the prompts to checkout

4. Enter your contact and payment details to submit your renewal

Contact Us

Need Help?

For assistance with your MDWFP online account or mobile app please contact us by calling 1-800-5GOHUNT

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